Left Handed Staircase


Band Biography
Set List/Songs
ThanX To:
Nick Young


This is an intimate interrogation.

The Basics

Birthday: 11-2-85
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Shoe Size: wouldn't you like to know
Music: Rock
Sport: Football, skateboarding
Place: prolly my room

Person: My dad

Flower: why? what  do you plan to do with it?

Scent: girls

Movie: True lies, Detroit Rock City

Drink: milk shakes, soda, Milk
Alcoholic Beverage: WHAT DID YOU HEAR?!!!!!
Name: i dont know, Nick isn't bad (unless you carry that name around for 17 years)
On Friends
Loudest: Tucker
Shortest: seppi
Prettiest: for me to know and you not to!
Nicest: steve (unless he's pissed off, then get out of the way, head for the hills)
Funniest: ohh thats a tuffy
Most Popular: Like i care.....
Hottest: more for me to know and you not too!
Most Annoying: ohh a nother tuffy! lol
Meanest: Josh
Funnest: Mike
On Relationships
Do you have a crush? i might....

If so, who? well every morning i look in this piece of glass and i see this person...MAN IS HE HOT...j/j!!!!!!!!!! actually my crush is MY CHRUSH SO I DONT PLAN TO TELL YOU...AS LONG AS I LIVE OR THIS SURVEY GOES ON!

On a scale 1-10, rate your crush: 10+
Have you ever been in love: nope dont plan on it
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my self
What kind of wedding do you want: One where there are 30 women and i am the KING
Where do you want your honymoon: ok..um..well um about 400 miles away from this survey
What does love mean to you: a pain in the *$$
This or That

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Inside or Outside:  depends on the weather...

Crying or Laughing:  laughing

Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Grapes or Strawberries: strawberries
Guys or Girls: girls going all the way....
Shower or Bath: shower
Hot or Cold: hot
Half Empty or Half Full: well are we talking about YOUR skull?
Love or Lust: this is a stupid question for me! But if i had to choose then it would be love
Acoustic or electric: Electric

Left-Handed Staircase ©rules!
Lifelong Dream:  - seriously...its to get my band going and playing all around the world infront of thousands and thousands of people!